Unlocking Your Power: 8 Benefits of Shadow Work (with Prompts)

Unlocking Your Power: 8 Benefits of Shadow Work (with Prompts)

Discover the understanding and essential part of self-growth by embracing your shadow self. Uncover hidden aspects of your personality. Explore the power of shadow work, and experience transformative healing and personal development. Shadow work is a practice that delves into the depths of our psyche, shedding light on the parts we often ignore or suppress.…

“Barb Sanders” Opportunities Missed

“Barb Sanders” Opportunities Missed

Dreams are fun but it’s best to acknowledge it and not to get stuck on that aspect. It’s cool when you do something like holding seven men at gunpoint in your dreams. Or when you save a life. Or when you ride a horse really fast. Unfortunately, the long-term dream journaler pseudonymously named “Barb Sanders”…

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

Going to Spain and Portugal two years ago was relaxing. The environment was peaceful. That’s not to say those two countries are peaceful all the time. Going back in their history, the Spanish Civil War was anything but. Neither was the Reconquista! That’s not to say they don’t have their own problems; every place does.…

How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

That there’s a connection between religion and sleep hygiene is not a new idea. People have been praying at bedtime since the day after forever ago! Yet it’s a connection the medical establishment doesn’t talk about in our mostly secular society. Many healthcare practitioners don’t feel comfortable addressing the issue. In a survey of 3,257…

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Memory consolidation is a key biochemical and biomechanical process in forming the ideas by which you live your life. An idea takes an interesting path through sleep toward ultimate expression. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation, the process by which the brain transfers short-term memories into long-term memories. In memory consolidation, the brain undergoes structural…

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