Here Are Some Secrets To Working Night Shifts Regularly While Staying Healthy

Here Are Some Secrets To Working Night Shifts Regularly While Staying Healthy

Tips for night shift workers Several extensive studies have given working the night shift a bad name over the last fifteen years. Working the shift seems to promote lousy health habits. Night shift workers smoke more. They weigh more. They’re three times more likely to get into traffic accidents. These effects pool together. Altogether they…

Can Lemon Balm Work For Sleep?

Can Lemon Balm Work For Sleep?

Another name for the herb lemon balm is melissa.  Melissa is also a girl’s name.  The headline of this article could also read, “Can Melissa Work for Sleep?”  The answer to that question is, “Yes, she could, but, hopefully, not just for sleep. She should also try to get paid while working.”  But seriously, besides…

Get a Light-Up Pen Before You Have Your Next Good Idea In the Middle of the Night

Get a Light-Up Pen Before You Have Your Next Good Idea In the Middle of the Night

I’ve never thought of it that way before!  What a good idea!   That makes sense!  Those are the kinds of thoughts you might find yourself thinking in the middle of the night when a great idea strikes as you lie in darkness.  I’ll have to write it down in the morning and work on it…

A Quick Guide To Finding and Listening To Sleep Music

A Quick Guide To Finding and Listening To Sleep Music

Sleep music continues to grow in popularity and availability.  There are channels on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and a new one on SiriusXM this month. Why wouldn’t sleep music become popular? It’s an easy, drug-free solution to sleeping difficulties. Whichever service you listen to, you’ll want to choose a source that’s not interrupted…

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