Speak With Your Wallet Then Forget About It At Bedtime

Speak With Your Wallet Then Forget About It At Bedtime

It’s common to believe we should support the businesses espousing our values and avoid supporting companies that don’t. They call it “voting with your dollars” or “speaking with your wallet.” It makes sense on the surface. Sometimes other people see things differently than you do for one reason or another. This is one way of…

How To Get Scary Things Out of Your Head So You Can Sleep

How To Get Scary Things Out of Your Head So You Can Sleep

In lots of occupations—and many situations—we get to see man’s inhumanity to man. When it comes to bedtime, this can affect the ability to sleep. Police officers would fall into this category. Nurses and EMS do too. They often get to see the worst of humanity. Dealing with violence, crime, neglect, narcissism, anger, and the…

Social Jet Lag (Forced Synchronization) Can Be A Real Drag

Social Jet Lag (Forced Synchronization) Can Be A Real Drag

Get the jet-lagged, crummy feeling of an intercontinental airplane ride with none of the excitement and none of the bills—suffer from social jet lag! You can go far to the south or north, all the way to a different country, even another continent. Physically, you’ll feel fine. Your physical location won’t disrupt your circadian rhythm.…

4 Ways To Count Sheep To Fall Asleep

4 Ways To Count Sheep To Fall Asleep

Why do they tell people to count sheep when they can’t sleep? Here’s a guess: among domesticated livestock, sheep are pretty docile. When you look at your typical flock, you’ll see the fluffy quadrupeds blankly munching away on grass or feed. They’ll stare back at you blankly. Time stops. Clouds float by in the sky.…

How to Sleep In a Haunted House

How to Sleep In a Haunted House

Are you thinking your home is haunted but you’re not sure? It happens. Understand that when it comes to the supernatural, there’s a difference between real life and fiction in most movies and books. More than that, there’s a real difference between real-life and even most of the nonfiction presented for entertainment in movies, books,…

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