Here Are Some Secrets To Working Night Shifts Regularly While Staying Healthy

Here Are Some Secrets To Working Night Shifts Regularly While Staying Healthy

Tips for night shift workers Several extensive studies have given working the night shift a bad name over the last fifteen years. Working the shift seems to promote lousy health habits. Night shift workers smoke more. They weigh more. They’re three times more likely to get into traffic accidents. These effects pool together. Altogether they…

“I Don’t Dream When I Sleep…”

“I Don’t Dream When I Sleep…”

Here’s why you think you’re not dreaming when you sleep …and how you can start dreaming again. “I don’t have dreams,” you say. Or is it that you haven’t had any dreams when you’ve slept—at least it’s been a while? Do you feel like you’re being shut off from creativity, making you feel dull? That’s…

When Does a Lack Of Sleep Mean It’s Time To Quit Being On Call?

When Does a Lack Of Sleep Mean It’s Time To Quit Being On Call?

Doctors, supervisors, 24-hour locksmiths, tow-truck drivers, and others can be affected by this. Is it time to get a different job? Not all “call” is created the same. There’s no one answer to the abovementioned question in the headline that makes sense for everyone, everywhere.  Somebody needs to be on call for some businesses, industries,…

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