The 10-3-2-1-0 Sleep Menemomic Is a Countdown To Improved Sleep

The 10-3-2-1-0 Sleep Menemomic Is a Countdown To Improved Sleep

10-3-2-1 sounds like something a quarterback might say when calling a play during a football game. Or something Mission Control might say before sending a spacecraft into orbit. And it is kind of like that. Instead of the endzone, the quarterback, or Mission Control, 10-3-2-1-0 is a countdown to Dreamland. It’s a reminder. Like PACTREPS, …

What’s the Two-Pillow Earbud Sleeping Trick?

What’s the Two-Pillow Earbud Sleeping Trick?

How you can fall asleep faster—and without any medication—by using the Two-Pillow Ear Bud Sleeping Trick. Most people are side sleepers, upwards of 80 percent. Chances you are too. As side sleepers, they’re more comfortable sleeping mostly on their sides. This makes listening to sleep music, binaural beats, or sleeping sounds with your typical earbud…

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