When Should You Trust Your Gut Feeling About Someone Or Something?

When Should You Trust Your Gut Feeling About Someone Or Something?

So what do you call it when you know something without using your sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell? This poorly defined other sense has been called the sixth sense, extra-sensory perception (ESP), second sight, psychometry, clairvoyance, precognition, and intuition, among other things. It also often is referred to as a “gut feeling”…

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

 You don’t always have to ingest or inject some substance to take medicine. Your body, wonderful living “machine” that it is, is like a compounding pharmacist—it makes a lot of its own.  People don’t think of their body making medicine, but it does every hour of every day of every year. Your body produces a…

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

Every branch of the United States military knows coffee. It’s a “mission essential.” Generally speaking, military members don’t appreciate coffee as a gourmet, though brands like Starbucks and Seattle’s Best are available at many facilities. The military knows coffee in the way that it’s a well-used tool to get the mission accomplished. Whether it’s to…

Learn Anatomy and Physiology Before You Need It

Learn Anatomy and Physiology Before You Need It

Learning anatomy and physiology can be hard under the best conditions. It’s important as it’s the class giving would-be healthcare students an in-depth understanding of the human body. Year after year, it’s one of the surest ways colleges weed out students for their programs. The classes have ended many career dreams. Why learn anatomy and…

William Whitty Hall: The Man Who, For A Time, Changed How America Slept

William Whitty Hall: The Man Who, For A Time, Changed How America Slept

In our day, probably the greatest obstacle to getting a refreshing and recharging night of sleep is non-stop activity. Both we and our electronic devices are always on. Smartphones and computers interfere with our ability to fall asleep with their beeps, notifications, and addicting design. Their addictive lure beckons when we should be asleep. Sleep…

How To Use Brainwave Entrainment To Reach Your Goals

How To Use Brainwave Entrainment To Reach Your Goals

People are always struggling to quit something, start something, or stop something.  They even struggle to stop struggling, to relax.  The circadian rhythm is part of the struggle. Also known as the wake/rest cycle, men and women struggle to wake up and struggle to go to sleep. You can’t fight—or struggle well—if you don’t recharge. At…

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