Are Cherries the #1 Food For Sleep?

Are Cherries the #1 Food For Sleep?

All cherries have some melatonin; tart cherries have the most. Studies have shown that consuming cherries can improve sleep quality by increasing melatonin levels in the body. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycles. When we have low levels of melatonin, we may experience difficulty sleeping or staying asleep throughout the night.…

Do You Need To Study Your Dreams Like A Scientist?

Do You Need To Study Your Dreams Like A Scientist?

How you should look at your dreams, how you study them, depends on what problems you need to solve and what you need to do in order to live your best life possible.
Studying their dreams can benefit anyone.
Anyone of any age can use dreams to resolve personal conflicts and gain clarity about what they need to do to feel and be successful.

Having To Use An Alarm To Wake Up Is the Enemy of You Living Your Best Life

Having To Use An Alarm To Wake Up Is the Enemy of You Living Your Best Life

Should you set the alarm or wake up naturally? When someone sets an alarm clock, there’s fear at work: fear of missing work, school, or whatever. The fear may be warranted. If you go to bed too late, you’ll be tired in the morning. Do that every day and you’ll set yourself up for long-term…

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Memory consolidation is a key biochemical and biomechanical process in forming the ideas by which you live your life. An idea takes an interesting path through sleep toward ultimate expression. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation, the process by which the brain transfers short-term memories into long-term memories. In memory consolidation, the brain undergoes structural…

This Couple Tracked Effects Of Lifestyle Changes On Their Sleep Score

This Couple Tracked Effects Of Lifestyle Changes On Their Sleep Score

[OC] UPDATE – 2.5 years of my GF and I tracking the sleep quality impact of various choices/behaviours. These were the 9 most significant effects. Note – white dash indicates the % effect 5 months ago. byu/HeroJournal indataisbeautiful While it’s impossible to track everything because not everything can be assigned a numerical value, this is…

How To Understand the Computers In Your Dreams

How To Understand the Computers In Your Dreams

Jung’s collective unconscious evolves and includes computers Files not saving.   Computers slow, delaying while updating.  Viruses.   Bloodshot irises. Internet worms.  File not found errors.  And that’s not to mention the endless e-mail.  Our waking lives can be the stuff of nightmares when our computers fail or when we fail our computers.  They’re the…

What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

Dreams can be vivid or dim. Usually, the dreamer doesn’t physically feel anything. They might feel something in a nightmare. Usually, it’s a quick shock or jolt. Take a dream of falling. The dreamer has the experience of falling, falling, falling, and then BOOM! He or she lands in bed. The dreamer physically feels like…

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