Cigar, Pipe, Cigarette or Joint: What’s the Best Thing To Smoke Before Bed?

Cigar, Pipe, Cigarette or Joint: What’s the Best Thing To Smoke Before Bed?

The headline asks a trick question. None of them are “best.” Each option is terrible. Don’t smoke. Do something else to deal with your stress. Whether consumed as a cigarette or in a pipe, whether tobacco or marijuana, none are good choices. It’s just not good to become dependent on any substance. Getting into the…

Put a Series of Dreams Together to Understand What’s Going On

Put a Series of Dreams Together to Understand What’s Going On

Superficially considered, the dreams don’t necessarily relate to each other. One dream, say, might be about some birds. Another dream might be about swimming at a beach. The themes of the dreams, however, are related. And there’s a lesson for you in how your subconscious expresses the dream. 

5 Reasons the Rosary Is a Powerful Night Prayer

5 Reasons the Rosary Is a Powerful Night Prayer

There are many different types of prayer. There are formal, memorized prayers, informal contemporaneous prayers, songs, and spiritual reading. There are prayers of petition, thanksgiving, grace before meal, and aspirations. There are others too numerous to mention here. The Rosary, however, is a kind of a big prayer made up of many smaller prayers. It…

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