The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

Informally analyzing other people’s dreams is a whole lot like analyzing their handwriting or telling them about their personality by looking at their palm. It’s not science. None of the assumptions can be tested and they take a lot of leaps in logic. Don’t take it too seriously. Keep it fun. Take inspiration from other…

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

Every branch of the United States military knows coffee. It’s a “mission essential.” Generally speaking, military members don’t appreciate coffee as a gourmet, though brands like Starbucks and Seattle’s Best are available at many facilities. The military knows coffee in the way that it’s a well-used tool to get the mission accomplished. Whether it’s to…

Learn Anatomy and Physiology Before You Need It

Learn Anatomy and Physiology Before You Need It

Learning anatomy and physiology can be hard under the best conditions. It’s important as it’s the class giving would-be healthcare students an in-depth understanding of the human body. Year after year, it’s one of the surest ways colleges weed out students for their programs. The classes have ended many career dreams. Why learn anatomy and…

Can You Sleep On a Sofa Bed Every Night?

Can You Sleep On a Sofa Bed Every Night?

Sofa sleeper or, conversely, sleeper sofa. Pull-out couch. Couch mattresses. Sofa bed. Any variation of the above. Whatever you want to call them, they’re not actually meant for sleeping in unless you’re around five years old. Even if you’re five, whether they’re meant for sleeping is highly debatable. Why do pull-out sofa beds even exist?…

Follow These 5 Principles To Get The Best Sleep Possible Anywhere, Anytime

Follow These 5 Principles To Get The Best Sleep Possible Anywhere, Anytime

Sometimes meeting the need for sleep calls for mental and emotional flexibility.  Stuff happens.  Airlines cancel flights. You end up sleeping on the floor of an airport lounge.  Sometimes you run over something and that something puts a hole in your gas tank. You end up having to sleep on the side of a lonely…

William Whitty Hall: The Man Who, For A Time, Changed How America Slept

William Whitty Hall: The Man Who, For A Time, Changed How America Slept

In our day, probably the greatest obstacle to getting a refreshing and recharging night of sleep is non-stop activity. Both we and our electronic devices are always on. Smartphones and computers interfere with our ability to fall asleep with their beeps, notifications, and addicting design. Their addictive lure beckons when we should be asleep. Sleep…

Are You Sleep Deprived Or Just Sleepy?

Are You Sleep Deprived Or Just Sleepy?

The delicate line between sleepy and sleep deprived is thinner than a single thread. Sleep deprived implies a more sustained state of exhaustion as compared to just being plain sleepy. It’s a debate best left to the experts—and while many of them like to get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s be honest: there’s not much…

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