Never Pay To Meditate

Never Pay To Meditate

Meditation has become a big business as part of the increased attention paid to the idea of wellness. Venture capitalists are investing millions in it. When they put so much money into it, they hope to make a lot back. Meditation has been studied to treat high blood pressure, stress, pain, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis,…

Is Active Meditation a Productive Use of Time?

Is Active Meditation a Productive Use of Time?

Many health professionals and others promote meditation these days. Combined with stretching, Instagram is filled with images of attractive people in athleisure attire contorting themselves amid beautiful scenery. The Veteran’s Affairs Administration recommends it.  Your health plan probably does too along with your workplace wellness program. Far be it from me to discourage it. I’m…

4 Reasons You’re Forgetting A Whole Lot Of Dream Details Quickly

4 Reasons You’re Forgetting A Whole Lot Of Dream Details Quickly

There’s the old saying, “The devil is in the details.” When it comes to dream interpretation and dream journaling, however, the saying should be, “The angel is in the details.” The value of dreams is magnified by the richness of the details you can remember. People who ascribe little worth to dreams often don’t remember…

Old AM Radio Broadcasts Are A Comforting Way To Fall Asleep

Old AM Radio Broadcasts Are A Comforting Way To Fall Asleep

Fifty years ago, lots of people who slept alone fell asleep to the monophonic sound of AM radio. It was part of their bedtime routine. Due to the characteristics of the broadcast frequency, AM radio stations carried news, information, and music from far-off cities at night, frequently reaching communities more than a thousand miles away.…

Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

If you think every dream you journal will be profound, surprising, or funny, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Here’s a little acknowledged secret: Some dreams are boring. The themes of some dreams are so dull, so mind-numbingly obvious, they’re like training produced by the human resources department at a large company. They’re reminders more than anything…

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