Why You Need To Play Every Day

Why You Need To Play Every Day

They say variety is the spice of life. Maybe they should say the same thing about playing. Being playful brings all kinds of good things our way. It’s a disposition, an indirect root cause. Sometimes it’s not seen that way because sometimes playfulness can be confused with silliness or foolishness. They can look the same…

4 Ways To Count Sheep To Fall Asleep

4 Ways To Count Sheep To Fall Asleep

Why do they tell people to count sheep when they can’t sleep? Here’s a guess: among domesticated livestock, sheep are pretty docile. When you look at your typical flock, you’ll see the fluffy quadrupeds blankly munching away on grass or feed. They’ll stare back at you blankly. Time stops. Clouds float by in the sky.…

Beware Lying Spirits!

Beware Lying Spirits!

Psychics and others with psychic tendencies often lack skepticism when dealing with discarnate spirits. A discarnate is a being without a physical body. That they’re communicating, that someone can hear them or sense them maybe leads one to be somehow impressed by the discarnate as you hear guest after guest on Coast To Coast AM…

How to Sleep In a Haunted House

How to Sleep In a Haunted House

Are you thinking your home is haunted but you’re not sure? It happens. Understand that when it comes to the supernatural, there’s a difference between real life and fiction in most movies and books. More than that, there’s a real difference between real-life and even most of the nonfiction presented for entertainment in movies, books,…

On the Possible Influence Of Ghosts, Demons and Angels On Sleep

On the Possible Influence Of Ghosts, Demons and Angels On Sleep

An area that intrigued me when I started writing this blog was the spiritual side of sleep. It seemed to be the health dimension nobody else was writing or thinking about. The spirit is one dimension of health, along with emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, and social. This means that as the other health dimensions…

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Not every dream is symbolic of something, though many are. People tend to ignore dreams without symbols unless they’re an instance of deja vu where one has the feeling they’ve been somewhere or done something before. Dream journalers tend to talk about dreams with symbols more often. They’re more interesting because we learn from those dreams. They…

5 Keys To Understanding the Meaning of Your Sex Dream

5 Keys To Understanding the Meaning of Your Sex Dream

One can have all kinds of sex dreams. In your dreams, you might have sex with people you wouldn’t consider in real life. Multiple partners may show up. The dreams could feature people of the same sex, homeless people, powerful people, strangers, children, machines, objects, anyone, and anything. In dreams, after all, anything is possible.…

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