Marijuana Use For Sleep Has Real Drawbacks

Marijuana Use For Sleep Has Real Drawbacks

Cannabis today isn’t the same plant it was 50 years ago. It’s important to update our perceptions and forget about using it to aid sleep. Jeff Spicoli, Sean Penn’s much-loved character in 1982’s Fast Times at Ridgemont High, is an example of the old stereotype of the typical marijuana user. Richard “Cheech” Marin and Tommy…

Walking Is An Awesome Exercise Before Bed

Walking Is An Awesome Exercise Before Bed

Go walking before bed whenever you can. It has many benefits. It’s okay to take a leisurely pace unless there’s another reason to walk faster. Fitness experts consider walking at a leisurely pace a medium to light physical activity. Brisk walking is 3 to 3.5 mph and is considered moderate physical activity. While you should…

The Handy Guide To Christian Bedtime Prayer Sleep Apps

The Handy Guide To Christian Bedtime Prayer Sleep Apps

Over the last two thousand years, Christians have developed a lot of different prayer methods and aids. The newest of the aids is the Christian bedtime pray app. Each app is geared toward a different audience of Christians. Each takes a different approach. One feature common to all of them are offerings of that include…

Fight For Your Right To Nap

Fight For Your Right To Nap

They’re natural, whether you call them naps, siestas, or something else. Work structure, social class, the environment, and other considerations dictate whether you get to take them. Thank you, COVID-19. I guess. More freedom for more people is better than less. The pandemic triggered massive changes in work habits, at least among some social classes…

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