Bring In Your Conscious Mind To Understand Concerns In Your Dreams

Bring In Your Conscious Mind To Understand Concerns In Your Dreams

Reviewing information is an essential part of learning. Do you want to learn all you can from your dreams? Introduce your conscious mind to the concerns of your subconscious. Using a format to record and understand your dreams every morning is wise—the format helps you to remember to do that. The 225 man The point…

A Quick Guide To Finding and Listening To Sleep Music

A Quick Guide To Finding and Listening To Sleep Music

Sleep music continues to grow in popularity and availability.  There are channels on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and a new one on SiriusXM this month. Why wouldn’t sleep music become popular? It’s an easy, drug-free solution to sleeping difficulties. Whichever service you listen to, you’ll want to choose a source that’s not interrupted…

What You Need To Know About the American Dream & Dream Journaling Today

What You Need To Know About the American Dream & Dream Journaling Today

The American dream is 246 years old today. Sure, people in what is the United States had dreams for their future before we declared independence, but those should have been called colonial dreams. After Independence Day, July 4, 1776, we started having American dreams. What is the American dream? There are many definitions of the American…

Clean and Inspect Your Dreamlens Every Morning

Clean and Inspect Your Dreamlens Every Morning

Regularly seeking wisdom helps you to see yourself and others more clearly. “Why do you wear glasses or contacts?” If you do, that’s an easy question to answer. Whether you’re nearsighted or farsighted, it’s to see the world around you more clearly. Seeing better is almost always the reason for wearing corrective lenses. Otherwise, if…

What If You Don’t Really Believe What Your Subconscious Espouses?

What If You Don’t Really Believe What Your Subconscious Espouses?

When you analyze this dream you just had, if you’re being honest, it conflicts with your beliefs. Does that mean you don’t believe what you say you believe? Does it mean you’re a hypocrite? Maybe. Maybe not. Does having dreams that run contrary to your conscious beliefs make you a hypocrite? The word “hypocrite” comes…

Does Paying Attention To Your Dreams Make You a Mystic?

Does Paying Attention To Your Dreams Make You a Mystic?

Mysticism refers to ecstasy or an alternate state of consciousness that’s given spiritual meaning.  It can also refer to attaining insight into hidden or ultimate truths. If you have a dream with powerful spiritual insight, that qualifies as mysticism. It’s the opposite of science which is supposed to be based on measurements, facts, studies, and…

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