What Are Edgar Cayce’s Essay Dreams?

What Are Edgar Cayce’s Essay Dreams?

Sometimes dreams have obvious messages; other times, they’re not clear at all. We don’t understand the message. Even if we chart the dream using the SOM framework going point by point, for one reason or another, our conscious mind still doesn’t understand. This happens to the best of us. You can ask for a clarifying…

What’s the Meaning of Spiritual Dreams?

What’s the Meaning of Spiritual Dreams?

Sometimes there are spiritual meanings to dreams, though not all the time. The proposition that dreams can have spiritual meanings is generally accepted, and it’s been true in many cultures and recorded in the Bible, other spiritual books, and by anthropologists and archeologists. Fiction parallels the truth. If it doesn’t, the stories don’t seem believable.…

A One-Subject Dream Is Like a Short Poem

A One-Subject Dream Is Like a Short Poem

The one-subject dream is quick, a statement from you to your subconscious. Compared to a full-length novel, it’s a short poem. Compared to a symphony, it’s a 30-second-long ditty. Or compare it to one of those 30-second emotional TV commercials that play during the Super Bowl. A multi-season series it’s not. It’s an expression like…

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