How To Understand the Computers In Your Dreams

How To Understand the Computers In Your Dreams

Jung’s collective unconscious evolves and includes computers Files not saving.   Computers slow, delaying while updating.  Viruses.   Bloodshot irises. Internet worms.  File not found errors.  And that’s not to mention the endless e-mail.  Our waking lives can be the stuff of nightmares when our computers fail or when we fail our computers.  They’re the…

What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

Dreams can be vivid or dim. Usually, the dreamer doesn’t physically feel anything. They might feel something in a nightmare. Usually, it’s a quick shock or jolt. Take a dream of falling. The dreamer has the experience of falling, falling, falling, and then BOOM! He or she lands in bed. The dreamer physically feels like…

The Acronym PACTREPS Can Help You Remember Dream Details

The Acronym PACTREPS Can Help You Remember Dream Details

It’s common for people to have dreams and forget about what happened, especially when the dreams aren’t too vivid. This is a shame because dreams can help you understand yourself, others, and even things you’re supposed to know for work and school. When you’re sleeping, often you’re dreaming. When you’re sleeping, your brain is processing…

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