How To React To Warning Dreams

How To React To Warning Dreams

People have had warning dreams for centuries, probably ever since there’s been people. It’s part of being human. Will the fate come to pass? Probably not. We’ve got a terrible track record with dream warnings and other kinds of warnings as well. Dreams communicate with symbolic language. They often don’t make much sense when considered…

Besides Dreams, What Else Should You Write In a Dream Journal?

Besides Dreams, What Else Should You Write In a Dream Journal?

When a notebook sits conveniently on your nightstand, for many people it becomes a target for all kinds of writing.   To-do lists  Phone numbers from ads  Usernames and passwords to websites  Measurements for different projects  Notes about some kind of computer code or process that you’ve got to do over and over.  Whatever comes…

5 Ways Vitamin C Can Help You Sleep

5 Ways Vitamin C Can Help You Sleep

Making sure you’re getting enough Vitamin C can improve your sleep. Too little “C” has been shown to result in poor mood and sleep. Pay close attention if you don’t like fruits and vegetables and have trouble sleeping! Vitamin C has several benefits for sleep that aren’t commonly known or often forgotten: Stress and anxiety…

How To Be Your Own Therapist

How To Be Your Own Therapist

Can you be your own therapist?  It’s not can. It’s more like you must be your own therapist, or at least co-therapist. Even if you can find one. There’s an acute shortage of therapists and other mental health professionals, generally speaking. Being your own therapist starts the moment after you work up the awareness and…

How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

That there’s a connection between religion and sleep hygiene is not a new idea. People have been praying at bedtime since the day after forever ago! Yet it’s a connection the medical establishment doesn’t talk about in our mostly secular society. Many healthcare practitioners don’t feel comfortable addressing the issue. In a survey of 3,257…

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