Cuddling Can Be Convenient Energy Healing

Cuddling Can Be Convenient Energy Healing

Cuddling, also known as snuggling, has benefits. Namely, cuddling releases oxytocin and serotonin. That makes you feel good. That means that when you’re sore and irritable, cuddling can make you feel better. “Energy healing” and “energy work” aren’t fundamental concepts in Western medicine yet that doesn’t stop you from hearing about them. You’ll also hear…

Self-Care Really Means “Sleep Enough”

Self-Care Really Means “Sleep Enough”

What does “self-care” really mean? Everyone will agree that taking care of yourself is important, but how do you really know you’re doing a good job of it? There are certainly indirect indicators that can be observed. Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight, and other similar metrics can be a good gauge of how much attention…

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

 You don’t always have to ingest or inject some substance to take medicine. Your body, wonderful living “machine” that it is, is like a compounding pharmacist—it makes a lot of its own.  People don’t think of their body making medicine, but it does every hour of every day of every year. Your body produces a…

Little Sleep Leads To Testosterone Problems And That Can Ruin Your Life

Little Sleep Leads To Testosterone Problems And That Can Ruin Your Life

When someone thinks of the health effects of missing sleep, they don’t always think of hormone problems. Perhaps they should. I once knew a man who was stronger, tougher, and smarter than me. Considering the two of us and commonly compared talents and aptitudes, he was the better person in every objective way. We’ll call…

Melatonin For Sleep Is Not a Simple Solution

Melatonin For Sleep Is Not a Simple Solution

More is not necessarily better when it comes to melatonin. Starting melatonin? Look for low-dose melatonin (1 mg)—it’s not always easy to find. Can’t sleep? Take melatonin, people say. Melatonin can help you if your days and nights are all mixed up for whatever reason. It’s valuable for shift workers who are trying to sleep…

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