What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

Dreams can be vivid or dim. Usually, the dreamer doesn’t physically feel anything. They might feel something in a nightmare. Usually, it’s a quick shock or jolt. Take a dream of falling. The dreamer has the experience of falling, falling, falling, and then BOOM! He or she lands in bed. The dreamer physically feels like…

A One-Subject Dream Is Like a Short Poem

A One-Subject Dream Is Like a Short Poem

The one-subject dream is quick, a statement from you to your subconscious. Compared to a full-length novel, it’s a short poem. Compared to a symphony, it’s a 30-second-long ditty. Or compare it to one of those 30-second emotional TV commercials that play during the Super Bowl. A multi-season series it’s not. It’s an expression like…

Bring In Your Conscious Mind To Understand Concerns In Your Dreams

Bring In Your Conscious Mind To Understand Concerns In Your Dreams

Reviewing information is an essential part of learning. Do you want to learn all you can from your dreams? Introduce your conscious mind to the concerns of your subconscious. Using a format to record and understand your dreams every morning is wise—the format helps you to remember to do that. The 225 man The point…

What If You Don’t Really Believe What Your Subconscious Espouses?

What If You Don’t Really Believe What Your Subconscious Espouses?

When you analyze this dream you just had, if you’re being honest, it conflicts with your beliefs. Does that mean you don’t believe what you say you believe? Does it mean you’re a hypocrite? Maybe. Maybe not. Does having dreams that run contrary to your conscious beliefs make you a hypocrite? The word “hypocrite” comes…

Make the Most of Your Healing Dream

Make the Most of Your Healing Dream

It’s not at all widely talked about, but did you know your dreams can help heal you? Whether or not you remember them, they can help heal you mentally and emotionally. That ties into actual physical healing as detailed in books like The Body Keeps the Score If you remember dreams and work with them,…

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