For “Barb Sanders” Dream Elements Often Differed Greatly From Waking Life

For “Barb Sanders” Dream Elements Often Differed Greatly From Waking Life

Often dreams don’t match reality in any way shape or form. In the famous short story and movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, hapless main character Mitty has one daydream after another triggered by mundane events. In one, he’s a surgeon saving lives. In another, a fighter pilot. And in another…

Do You Need To Study Your Dreams Like A Scientist?

Do You Need To Study Your Dreams Like A Scientist?

How you should look at your dreams, how you study them, depends on what problems you need to solve and what you need to do in order to live your best life possible.
Studying their dreams can benefit anyone.
Anyone of any age can use dreams to resolve personal conflicts and gain clarity about what they need to do to feel and be successful.

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

Going to Spain and Portugal two years ago was relaxing. The environment was peaceful. That’s not to say those two countries are peaceful all the time. Going back in their history, the Spanish Civil War was anything but. Neither was the Reconquista! That’s not to say they don’t have their problems; every place does. It’s…

What Does Dreaming About a Robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mean?

What Does Dreaming About a Robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mean?

When the histories of our era are written, AIs and robots will be noted as just one of the many changes generations alive today had to navigate. It very well could be the biggest. While technology has been marching along for hundreds of years, the need for adaptation hasn’t been anything compared to what will…

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

Dreams are an offshoot of the conscious mind. Well, usually, it seems that way. After one keeps a dream journal for a couple of months, it’s obvious. Day-to-day life inspires dreams. Some dreams are replays of your daily life. Others are full of symbolism, reflecting the issues you’re contending with. Sometimes your subconscious is urging…

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