The Aha Moments After Waking

The Aha Moments After Waking

Sometimes dreams will give you vague pictures and a rough outline that something’s going on. What exactly is going on? No idea. Something. You wake up. Minutes later,  you have an idea. You come to a new understanding. Pieces snap together. Not a dream Technically, that’s not a dream. You’re in none of the stages…

Put a Series of Dreams Together to Understand What’s Going On

Put a Series of Dreams Together to Understand What’s Going On

Superficially considered, the dreams don’t necessarily relate to each other. One dream, say, might be about some birds. Another dream might be about swimming at a beach. The themes of the dreams, however, are related. And there’s a lesson for you in how your subconscious expresses the dream. 

There's gold (figurative) in your dreams.
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