Should You Journal A Dream When Your Sleep Has Been Interrupted?

Should You Journal A Dream When Your Sleep Has Been Interrupted?

The phone rung. The dogs barked. A gunshot went off. Whatever happened, you woke with a start. You’ve suddenly sat straight up in bed. Your sleep has been interrupted. The thoughts running through your mind melt away quickly. You now have forgotten most of your dream or were stopped dreaming in the middle of the…

St. Joseph’s Dreams In the Bible Show the Importance Of Remembering Yours

St. Joseph’s Dreams In the Bible Show the Importance Of Remembering Yours

Christmas is over but the Nativity story doesn’t end. On December 28 western Christianity celebrates a time when the Jesus’s family was saved by his stepfather. This incident came to be known as the Feast of the Holy Innocents. This incident as well as some other incidents in the life of Jesus’s stepfather, St. Joseph,…

Dream Interpretation Can Solve 16 Types Of Problems

Dream Interpretation Can Solve 16 Types Of Problems

Dream interpretation used in this way comes in somewhere at the intersection of art and science like so many other things. It’s building on the work of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Fritz Perls, and others on what we know about how the brain functions. The art comes in applying the symbols you remember from your dreams to your life and your questions.

Can Remembering Your Dreams Replace Hallucinogen Use?

Can Remembering Your Dreams Replace Hallucinogen Use?

It has to be a thought thunk by every stick-in-the-mud who refuses to touch hallucinogens: I’m no fun. Here I am holding a regular job. Here I am fulfilling my responsibilities to my family and society. There they are. They’re tripping out. They sure look like they’re having a good time getting wasted. Damn them!…

Anatomy of the Mind: Call It the Semi-United States of the Mind

Anatomy of the Mind: Call It the Semi-United States of the Mind

Part 3 0f 3 The brain is physical. It exists in the physical world.  The mind is nebulous. It’s your consciousness. It’s not entirely of this world.  The brain has a physical makeup. That makeup is called anatomy.  So, too, does the mind have a makeup. The makeup is called a mental state.  The mental state can be compared…

How To Have A Clarifying Dream

How To Have A Clarifying Dream

For generations, dream analysis teachers have suggested asking for a clarifying dream when you don’t understand the meaning of a dream. How do you do this? Now and then, a dream journaler will encounter a symbol or two in their dream he or she doesn’t quite understand even after they’ve employed the 3-step dream interpretation…

Dream Journaling: Do You Have To Wear A Bracelet?

Dream Journaling: Do You Have To Wear A Bracelet?

The Dream Recovery System calls for wearing a wrist bracelet opposite of where you’d usually wear a watch when you go to sleep.  It’s a totem to help you distinguish between sleep and wakefulness. Wearing the bracelet leads to a greater number of dreams recalled. More dreams recalled means more success at dream journaling.  It’s…

People In Your Dream Represent Something–What?

People In Your Dream Represent Something–What?

In your dream, your boyfriend behaved awfully. He yelled at you about nothing. You noted how veins were popping out on his forehead, spittle flying out of his mouth. Then, in the dream, he threw a shoe at you. You ducked…   …Then you woke up.  Now you’re sitting up in bed, breathing heavily, heart racing. …

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