These Are the Best Strategies For Confronting Nightmares, Fears, and Hopelessness

These Are the Best Strategies For Confronting Nightmares, Fears, and Hopelessness

In Charles Dickens’s The Christmas Carol, the old, miserly protagonist Ebenezer Scrooge confronts his nightmares and emerges a better man. Dickens describes him as greedy, ill-tempered, and grasping. Scrooge, at least, is good in that he becomes a better person by the end of the story. Dream journalers sometimes have nightmares so unsettling they don’t…

How to Harness the Obscured Power Of Faded Dreams

How to Harness the Obscured Power Of Faded Dreams

What were you doing in the dream?  Fighting, I don’t know. I don’t remember it well. Maybe there’s a puzzling line or two a character spoke in the dream. “Hopa, hopa!” What does that even mean? What makes a faded dream? A memory is formed in your brain by linking it to other memories. For…

Quick Dream, Long Time

Quick Dream, Long Time

The time it takes to understand a dream can be much longer than it takes to have it. It’s one key point when it comes to dream interpretation. Unbound by physical constraints, unlike other information transmitted through your five primary senses, dreams are more than pictures: they’re communications affecting all the senses. You’re making a…

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Not every dream is symbolic of something, though many are. People tend to ignore dreams without symbols unless they’re an instance of deja vu where one has the feeling they’ve been somewhere or done something before. Dream journalers tend to talk about dreams with symbols more often. They’re more interesting because we learn from those dreams. They…

Never Pay To Meditate

Never Pay To Meditate

Meditation has become a big business as part of the increased attention paid to the idea of wellness. Venture capitalists are investing millions in it. When they put so much money into it, they hope to make a lot back. Meditation has been studied to treat high blood pressure, stress, pain, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis,…

4 Reasons You’re Forgetting A Whole Lot Of Dream Details Quickly

4 Reasons You’re Forgetting A Whole Lot Of Dream Details Quickly

There’s the old saying, “The devil is in the details.” When it comes to dream interpretation and dream journaling, however, the saying should be, “The angel is in the details.” The value of dreams is magnified by the richness of the details you can remember. People who ascribe little worth to dreams often don’t remember…

Dreams Can Show You a Single Point Of Failure

Dreams Can Show You a Single Point Of Failure

Weaknesses in plans, single points of failure, can become evident in dreams. Have your heart set on going to a particular college? Maybe you want to apply to more than one anyway, just so you don’t miss a year of school if you’re not accepted at your main college. Settling in a romantic relationship for…

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