The Gist Of a Dream Is More Important Than Any Single Detail

The Gist Of a Dream Is More Important Than Any Single Detail

Sometimes you’ll draw a blank when you wake up and try remembering what you were dreaming about. Maybe you were woken suddenly and the memory of the dream shatters. Maybe the details were simply dim. Whatever the reason, you know you were dreaming and you’re coming blank. You might only be left with a memory…

How To Dream More

How To Dream More

When I was in school there was this kid, Dave. He remembered all of his dreams, so he said. They’d be crazy. They’d have monsters in them, people with no faces, and talking ducks. Every so often he’d keep us entertained before school and at recess with his tales from the night before. Sometimes his…

“Barb Sanders” Opportunities Missed

“Barb Sanders” Opportunities Missed

Dreams are fun but it’s best to acknowledge it and not to get stuck on that aspect. It’s cool when you do something like holding seven men at gunpoint in your dreams. Or when you save a life. Or when you ride a horse fast. Unfortunately, the long-term dream journaler pseudonymously named “Barb Sanders” had…

For “Barb Sanders” Dream Elements Often Differed Greatly From Waking Life

For “Barb Sanders” Dream Elements Often Differed Greatly From Waking Life

Often dreams don’t match reality in any way shape or form. In the famous short story and movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, hapless main character Mitty has one daydream after another triggered by mundane events. In one, he’s a surgeon saving lives. In another, a fighter pilot. And in another…

Character Transformations and Composite Characters: the “Barb Sanders” Dreams

Character Transformations and Composite Characters: the “Barb Sanders” Dreams

Anything can happen in a dream. Anything often does. One of those things that happen in dreams—unlike real life—is what dream researchers have come to call “character transformations.” In the collected dreams of a pseudonymous dream journaler whom Calvin Hall referred to as “Barb Sanders” these character transformations were fairly common. Hall estimated they occurred…

“Barb Sanders” and the Theater

“Barb Sanders” and the Theater

Part four in a series about one of Calvin Hall’s study subjects, pseudonymously named “Barb Sanders.” Barb kept a dream journal for much of her life. Barb Sanders loved everything about the theater. She had 169 dream reports about the theater, many of which involved her auditioning for a part, or directing a theatrical production.…

A Pattern With Men Repeats Itself: “Barb Sanders”

A Pattern With Men Repeats Itself: “Barb Sanders”

In part three we continue this summary of the dream diaries of “Barb Sanders.” Sanders was a pseudonymous dream enthusiast Calvin Hall studied and who kept a dream diary for much of her life. In late 1994 and into 1995, Barb Sanders’ longstanding friends grew worried. Once again, she seemed not to be seeing relationships…

Besides Dreams, What Else Should You Write In a Dream Journal?

Besides Dreams, What Else Should You Write In a Dream Journal?

When a notebook sits conveniently on your nightstand, for many people it becomes a target for all kinds of writing.   To-do lists  Phone numbers from ads  Usernames and passwords to websites  Measurements for different projects  Notes about some kind of computer code or process that you’ve got to do over and over.  Whatever comes…

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Memory consolidation is a key biochemical and biomechanical process in forming the ideas by which you live your life. An idea takes an interesting path through sleep toward ultimate expression. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation, the process by which the brain transfers short-term memories into long-term memories. In memory consolidation, the brain undergoes structural…

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