It Doesn’t Matter How Well You Draw When It Comes to Dream Journaling

It Doesn’t Matter How Well You Draw When It Comes to Dream Journaling

“I’m no artist,” many teachers and instructors have said while attempting to draw on a board to explain something. They proceed to turn then out a homely illustration to make a point. Sometimes the students or other people in attendance will chuckle. “Ha! You sure aren’t,” they said. “What, exactly, is that supposed to be?”…

“Barb Sanders” Opportunities Missed

“Barb Sanders” Opportunities Missed

Dreams are fun but it’s best to acknowledge it and not to get stuck on that aspect. It’s cool when you do something like holding seven men at gunpoint in your dreams. Or when you save a life. Or when you ride a horse fast. Unfortunately, the long-term dream journaler pseudonymously named “Barb Sanders” had…

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

Going to Spain and Portugal two years ago was relaxing. The environment was peaceful. That’s not to say those two countries are peaceful all the time. Going back in their history, the Spanish Civil War was anything but. Neither was the Reconquista! That’s not to say they don’t have their problems; every place does. It’s…

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

Dreams are an offshoot of the conscious mind. Well, usually, it seems that way. After one keeps a dream journal for a couple of months, it’s obvious. Day-to-day life inspires dreams. Some dreams are replays of your daily life. Others are full of symbolism, reflecting the issues you’re contending with. Sometimes your subconscious is urging…

Get a Light-Up Pen Before You Have Your Next Good Idea In the Middle of the Night

Get a Light-Up Pen Before You Have Your Next Good Idea In the Middle of the Night

I’ve never thought of it that way before!  What a good idea!   That makes sense!  Those are the kinds of thoughts you might find yourself thinking in the middle of the night when a great idea strikes as you lie in darkness.  I’ll have to write it down in the morning and work on it…

There's gold (figurative) in your dreams.
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