Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

If you think every dream you journal will be profound, surprising, or funny, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Here’s a little acknowledged secret: Some dreams are boring. The themes of some dreams are so dull, so mind-numbingly obvious, they’re like training produced by the human resources department at a large company. They’re reminders more than anything…

Dreams Can Show You a Single Point Of Failure

Dreams Can Show You a Single Point Of Failure

Weaknesses in plans, single points of failure, can become evident in dreams. Have your heart set on going to a particular college? Maybe you want to apply to more than one anyway, just so you don’t miss a year of school if you’re not accepted at your main college. Settling in a romantic relationship for…

Can Islamic Dream Interpretation Principles Help You Understand Dreams?

Can Islamic Dream Interpretation Principles Help You Understand Dreams?

In Islamic dream interpretation, the importance of “true” dreams was first promulgated in the 7th century by Muhammad, the prophet and founder of the faith. Muhammad believed dreams were important. This was because after he was gone further prophecy would only be revealed in dreams. The process and tradition of Islamic dream interpretation were later…

Dream Interpretation Can Solve 16 Types Of Problems

Dream Interpretation Can Solve 16 Types Of Problems

Dream interpretation used in this way comes in somewhere at the intersection of art and science like so many other things. It’s building on the work of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Fritz Perls, and others on what we know about how the brain functions. The art comes in applying the symbols you remember from your dreams to your life and your questions.

The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

Informally analyzing other people’s dreams is a whole lot like analyzing their handwriting or telling them about their personality by looking at their palm. It’s not science. None of the assumptions can be tested and they take a lot of leaps in logic. Don’t take it too seriously. Keep it fun. Take inspiration from other…

Did Your Subconscious Perceive Something Your Conscious Mind Missed?

Did Your Subconscious Perceive Something Your Conscious Mind Missed?

The subconscious has been known to pick up certain signals and hints the conscious mind misses. For example, when you meet someone and there’s something incongruous about what they say and the way they behave. That incongruity leads you to not trust them. Being in touch with your subconscious can help you zero in on the reasons for this feeling. It can even save your life.

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