The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

Informally analyzing other people’s dreams is a whole lot like analyzing their handwriting or telling them about their personality by looking at their palm. It’s not science. None of the assumptions can be tested and they take a lot of leaps in logic. Don’t take it too seriously. Keep it fun. Take inspiration from other…

Did Your Subconscious Perceive Something Your Conscious Mind Missed?

Did Your Subconscious Perceive Something Your Conscious Mind Missed?

The subconscious has been known to pick up certain signals and hints the conscious mind misses. For example, when you meet someone and there’s something incongruous about what they say and the way they behave. That incongruity leads you to not trust them. Being in touch with your subconscious can help you zero in on the reasons for this feeling. It can even save your life.

Whether Online Or As a Book, Dream Dictionaries Aren’t Accurate

Whether Online Or As a Book, Dream Dictionaries Aren’t Accurate

“And, speaking more generally, it is plain foolishness to believe in ready-made systematic guides to dream interpretation, as if one could simply buy a reference book and look up a particular symbol. No dream symbol can be separated from the individual who dreams it, and there is no definite or straightforward interpretation of any dream.”—…

How to Unlock Health Warnings In Your Dreams

How to Unlock Health Warnings In Your Dreams

Sometimes you’ve got to wonder what your dreams are telling you, especially concerning your health.  Health warnings in dreams can be confusing—though taking them seriously can save your life. It’s easy to go on the Internet and type in a query, and people do every day. When it comes to getting definitive answers about what…

People In Your Dream Represent Something–What?

People In Your Dream Represent Something–What?

In your dream, your boyfriend behaved awfully. He yelled at you about nothing. You noted how veins were popping out on his forehead, spittle flying out of his mouth. Then, in the dream, he threw a shoe at you. You ducked…   …Then you woke up.  Now you’re sitting up in bed, breathing heavily, heart racing. …

Take Your Life’s Temperature With Your Dream Journal

Take Your Life’s Temperature With Your Dream Journal

Your dreams can be compared to the vital signs they take in a doctor’s office. Dreams are useful for self-diagnosis. It’s a rough morning. You feel sick after a restless night. You’re coughing up slimy yellow-green junk. You feel dizzy and vaguely nauseous.   It’s time to go see your doctor, you decide. You call in…

How to Decide If You’re “Crazy” Or Not

How to Decide If You’re “Crazy” Or Not

Am I crazy? Am I insane? It’s a question people can have after they have an experience—or experiences—that defy easy explanation. Skepticism is valued in our society. Being skeptical shows you’re no fool. Knee-jerk skepticism, even cynicism, is easy. Sometimes it takes work and courage to ask questions. You may not like the answer either.…

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