What’s Going On When You Dream You’re Having a Dream?

What’s Going On When You Dream You’re Having a Dream?

No matter what the dream you’re dreaming is about, a dream where you dream you’re dreaming can seem like quite a puzzle. This includes where you dream you’re sleeping in your bed or anywhere else. The picture that’s presented is something like one of those M.C. Escher prints. It’s like a gaze into a dimension…

What’s the Spiritual Meaning of a Dream With Vampires?

What’s the Spiritual Meaning of a Dream With Vampires?

Sometimes they’re triggered by the potential for a May-December relationship or addiction troubles/questions. Vampires are interesting creatures in the popular mind. They’ve got a lot going for them in some ways—eternal life, incredible strength, and invulnerability to most things. On the other hand, they live with some terrible disadvantages, too. They’ve got to keep feeding…

How To Understand the Computers In Your Dreams

How To Understand the Computers In Your Dreams

Jung’s collective unconscious evolves and includes computers Files not saving.   Computers slow, delaying while updating.  Viruses.   Bloodshot irises. Internet worms.  File not found errors.  And that’s not to mention the endless e-mail.  Our waking lives can be the stuff of nightmares when our computers fail or when we fail our computers.  They’re the…

What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

What Does It Mean When You Physically Feel Things In Your Dreams?

Dreams can be vivid or dim. Usually, the dreamer doesn’t physically feel anything. They might feel something in a nightmare. Usually, it’s a quick shock or jolt. Take a dream of falling. The dreamer has the experience of falling, falling, falling, and then BOOM! He or she lands in bed. The dreamer physically feels like…

There's gold (figurative) in your dreams.
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