What Does a Dream About a Video Game Mean?

What Does a Dream About a Video Game Mean?

Success at video games often calls for strategy. Strategy is often an underappreciated benefit of dream journaling. Many artists over the years have taken inspiration from their dreams. They’ve found a way to express themselves within their dreams. Their dreamlens provides a focus for the emotions and experiences within them. Less appreciated, however, is the…

What Does Dreaming About a Robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mean?

What Does Dreaming About a Robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mean?

When the histories of our era are written, AIs and robots will be noted as just one of the many changes generations alive today had to navigate. It very well could be the biggest. While technology has been marching along for hundreds of years, the need for adaptation hasn’t been anything compared to what will…

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

Dreams are an offshoot of the conscious mind. Well, usually, it seems that way. After one keeps a dream journal for a couple of months, it’s obvious. Day-to-day life inspires dreams. Some dreams are replays of your daily life. Others are full of symbolism, reflecting the issues you’re contending with. Sometimes your subconscious is urging…

You Really Can’t Foretell the Future In Your Dreams, But You Can Do This

You Really Can’t Foretell the Future In Your Dreams, But You Can Do This

—Oneiromancy—the idea you can foretell the future in dreams—doesn’t work, and you shouldn’t ever trust it. Foretelling the future through dreams isn’t accurate enough. It will lead you down the wrong road and have you making foolish decisions. Doubt this? Look at the record for prophets foretelling the end of the world. Lots of predicting…

What Do You Need To Ask When You Dream About a Fast Food Restaurant?

What Do You Need To Ask When You Dream About a Fast Food Restaurant?

Many different kinds of restaurants serve fast food: burger places, pizza places, chicken sandwich places and so on. All of them mean other things to different people. For some, a fast-food restaurant is their favorite place for a quick meal. For others, it’s a lively place to get together with their friends or family. Then…

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