Dreams of Ex-Husband Had a Pattern: “Barb Sanders”

Dreams of Ex-Husband Had a Pattern: “Barb Sanders”

Part 1/6 Scientists who study dreams can know a lot about their subjects, especially if they interview their friends and family, and really “dive deep” into their lives and writings. Even so, they can’t possibly know as much as the person being studied themselves. This is forgotten and the study of dreams is misapplied too…

How To React To Warning Dreams

How To React To Warning Dreams

People have had warning dreams for centuries, probably ever since there’s been people. It’s part of being human. Will the fate come to pass? Probably not. We’ve got a terrible track record with dream warnings and other kinds of warnings as well. Dreams communicate with symbolic language. They often don’t make much sense when considered…

AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

When it comes to AIs, humans might end up replaced in many different career paths, from artist to driver, to writer. One area where we humans need not worry about replacement is dream interpretation, though several companies are offering AI-guided dream interpretation. AI’s won’t have the insight to adequately understand and interpret your dream as…

Having To Use An Alarm To Wake Up Is the Enemy of You Living Your Best Life

Having To Use An Alarm To Wake Up Is the Enemy of You Living Your Best Life

Should you set the alarm or wake up naturally? When someone sets an alarm clock, there’s fear at work: fear of missing work, school, or whatever. The fear may be warranted. If you go to bed too late, you’ll be tired in the morning. Do that every day and you’ll set yourself up for long-term…

Understanding a Dream About Quitting

Understanding a Dream About Quitting

A dream about quitting shows how easy it is, yet not necessarily simple. Quitting anything seems easy. Throw the keys (or whatever) down dramatically and say, “That’s it! I quit.” A recent dream showed how quitting wasn’t that way at all. The message: “Don’t give up!” Any dream where you dream about quitting something deserves…

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