Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

In many ways, Bernarr Macfadden was the “father of fitness. He had strong opinions about how to avoid insomnia. Bernarr Macfadden started a magazine and a popular movement. The movement and magazine had the same name: “physical culture.” Watching what you ate and seeing that you got exercise wasn’t as popular among Americans before he…

Lose the Light Pollution! 6 Ways To Add Enjoyment To the Night Sky

Lose the Light Pollution! 6 Ways To Add Enjoyment To the Night Sky

As a species, we didn’t start out this way. We weren’t really meant to live amid all this light pollution. It’s progress in some ways, an irreplaceable loss in others. There’s no going back. Our ancestors didn’t have streetlights, neon signs, porch lights, and motion-detecting lights every hour of the day. Light at night has…

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

 You don’t always have to ingest or inject some substance to take medicine. Your body, wonderful living “machine” that it is, is like a compounding pharmacist—it makes a lot of its own.  People don’t think of their body making medicine, but it does every hour of every day of every year. Your body produces a…

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

Every branch of the United States military knows coffee. It’s a “mission essential.” Generally speaking, military members don’t appreciate coffee as a gourmet, though brands like Starbucks and Seattle’s Best are available at many facilities. The military knows coffee in the way that it’s a well-used tool to get the mission accomplished. Whether it’s to…

Follow These 5 Principles To Get The Best Sleep Possible Anywhere, Anytime

Follow These 5 Principles To Get The Best Sleep Possible Anywhere, Anytime

Sometimes meeting the need for sleep calls for mental and emotional flexibility.  Stuff happens.  Airlines cancel flights. You end up sleeping on the floor of an airport lounge.  Sometimes you run over something and that something puts a hole in your gas tank. You end up having to sleep on the side of a lonely…

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