Never Pay To Meditate

Never Pay To Meditate

Meditation has become a big business as part of the increased attention paid to the idea of wellness. Venture capitalists are investing millions in it. When they put so much money into it, they hope to make a lot back. Meditation has been studied to treat high blood pressure, stress, pain, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis,…

Sleep Strengthens the Immune System’s Fight Against Pathogens

Sleep Strengthens the Immune System’s Fight Against Pathogens

Sleeping well, managing stress, and good nutrition help someone stay healthy and avoid disease. There has been plenty written and said about ways to avoid spreading and contracting the coronavirus. Cited are usually general steps, the things you’re told to do to combat any illness. Commonly mentioned are hand washing, covering coughs, being careful when…

Should Sleeping Be Your Hobby?

Should Sleeping Be Your Hobby?

Can sleeping be considered a real hobby? You just lay there and close your eyes. Hearing that and thinking about it, some might say, What a boring idea for a hobby! People who pursue hobbies usually have events where they get together with other like-minded people. Motorcycle enthusiasts get together with other enthusiasts to ride…

Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

In many ways, Bernarr Macfadden was the “father of fitness. He had strong opinions about how to avoid insomnia. Bernarr Macfadden started a magazine and a popular movement. The movement and magazine had the same name: “physical culture.” Watching what you ate and seeing that you got exercise wasn’t as popular among Americans before he…

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