Good Food, Exercise Or Sleep?

Good Food, Exercise Or Sleep?

Which is the most important when it comes to good health? What’s the most important when it comes to losing weight? They’re all important, of course. But which is the most vital? What’s the health priority? First, we won’t put air or oxygen on the consideration list. That gas is simply the most important health…

How To Talk To Others About Your Psychic Experiences

How To Talk To Others About Your Psychic Experiences

Plenty of people have had psychic experiences. These experiences transcend every culture, every country, every time period. Why are you worried about talking about your psychic experience then? Everyone has their own reason, but a common one is you don’t want to sound crazy. You don’t want people to doubt your mental health. Some psychic…

Cuddling Can Be Convenient Energy Healing

Cuddling Can Be Convenient Energy Healing

Cuddling, also known as snuggling, has benefits. Namely, cuddling releases oxytocin and serotonin. That makes you feel good. That means that when you’re sore and irritable, cuddling can make you feel better. “Energy healing” and “energy work” aren’t fundamental concepts in Western medicine yet that doesn’t stop you from hearing about them. You’ll also hear…

The Underrated Power Of Distraction

The Underrated Power Of Distraction

Like sleep, distraction is disreputable in Western society. Sleep is convoluted with laziness. Distraction is conflated with inattentiveness. Done right and at the right time, distractions can help you cope with fear, pain, sadness, and other problems. Distractions can give you a break from thinking about things which you have no control over. They can…

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