How Often Should You Change the Sheets on Your Bed?

How Often Should You Change the Sheets on Your Bed?

We spend a significant portion of our lives sleeping. The bed should be clean and comfortable. That means fresh sheets. Failure to clean sheets regularly can also lead to unpleasant odors, skin irritation, and—in extreme cases—respiratory issues. Sheets accumulate sweat, oils, dead skin cells, and other bodily fluids over time. This creates a breeding ground…

Chamomile Tea For Sleep: the Benefits of Drinking At Bedtime

Chamomile Tea For Sleep: the Benefits of Drinking At Bedtime

Chamomile is a popular herbal tea often used to help people sleep. It contains a compound called apigenin, which is the active ingredient. It can be brewed using fresh or dried chamomile flowers. Most chamomile tea is consumed at bedtime. It has been used since ancient times to help people sleep and to soothe anxiety.…

How To Start Using Tuning Fork Therapy

How To Start Using Tuning Fork Therapy

Tuning fork therapy is a fascinating practice harnessing the power of sound and vibration to promote physical and emotional well-being. By striking these specialized forks and holding them against various points on the body, practitioners unlock a world of healing potential. There are a number of therapies and wellness regimens that tuning fork self-therapy could…

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

You Can Use Your Dreams To Understand and Cope With Your Environment

Going to Spain and Portugal two years ago was relaxing. The environment was peaceful. That’s not to say those two countries are peaceful all the time. Going back in their history, the Spanish Civil War was anything but. Neither was the Reconquista! That’s not to say they don’t have their problems; every place does. It’s…

Dream Focus: Images From Dreams Provide a Focus For Meditation

Dream Focus: Images From Dreams Provide a Focus For Meditation

You don’t have to sit cross-legged on a cushion in the middle of a room with a candle burning in front of you to meditate. Meditation doesn’t have to be this complicated/inconvenient. If you do all that, you’re wasting time. Dream Focus provides a way to get the benefits of meditation without the inconvenience. What…

5 Ways Vitamin C Can Help You Sleep

5 Ways Vitamin C Can Help You Sleep

Making sure you’re getting enough Vitamin C can improve your sleep. Too little “C” has been shown to result in poor mood and sleep. Pay close attention if you don’t like fruits and vegetables and have trouble sleeping! Vitamin C has several benefits for sleep that aren’t commonly known or often forgotten: Stress and anxiety…

How To Be Your Own Therapist

How To Be Your Own Therapist

Can you be your own therapist?  It’s not can. It’s more like you must be your own therapist, or at least co-therapist. Even if you can find one. There’s an acute shortage of therapists and other mental health professionals, generally speaking. Being your own therapist starts the moment after you work up the awareness and…

What Should You Do If You’ve Woken Up In the Middle Of the Night And Can’t Get Back To Sleep?

What Should You Do If You’ve Woken Up In the Middle Of the Night And Can’t Get Back To Sleep?

So you’ve woken up earlier than you’ve wanted to. What you do now depends on whether it’s in the middle of the night or an hour or two before you usually wake up.  Consider the other people in your house. You don’t want to interrupt their sleep. Be considerate. Put yourself in their place. If…

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