Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Sometimes doing an action can take the place of taking a certain medication. Positive morning affirmations can work like an antidepressant. Grounding can decrease inflammation. Chiropractors routinely prescribe exercise routines to relieve pain. Some doctors have said, “If exercise were a drug, I’d give everyone a prescription.” Sometimes what you’re doing is making a drug…

Americans Slept Better In 1968 Even With A War Going On

Americans Slept Better In 1968 Even With A War Going On

Fifty-one years ago the nightly news was full of gory, gut-wrenching images from Vietnam. Nevertheless, the prospect of fighting that war or fleeing didn’t keep people up at night the way smartphones do today. The smartphone is apparently worse for sleep than a war. The effect of screens on sleep Adults often read and tell…

A Body System You Probably Never Heard Of Is Affected By A Chronic Lack of Sleep

A Body System You Probably Never Heard Of Is Affected By A Chronic Lack of Sleep

Meet the glymphatic system. It might be the most obscure system in the human body. By way of introduction, let’s remember that the three pillars of good health are diet, exercise, and sleep.  Everyone knows that if you don’t exercise or move around, you affect your cardiovascular system.  They also know exercise is also good…

Take Your Life’s Temperature With Your Dream Journal

Take Your Life’s Temperature With Your Dream Journal

Your dreams can be compared to the vital signs they take in a doctor’s office. Dreams are useful for self-diagnosis. It’s a rough morning. You feel sick after a restless night. You’re coughing up slimy yellow-green junk. You feel dizzy and vaguely nauseous.   It’s time to go see your doctor, you decide. You call in…

Melatonin For Sleep Is Not a Simple Solution

Melatonin For Sleep Is Not a Simple Solution

More is not necessarily better when it comes to melatonin. Starting melatonin? Look for low-dose melatonin (1 mg)—it’s not always easy to find. Can’t sleep? Take melatonin, people say. Melatonin can help you if your days and nights are all mixed up for whatever reason. It’s valuable for shift workers who are trying to sleep…

Sleep Skills: Physical Constraints, a Tree, and You’re Asleep at the Wheel

Sleep Skills: Physical Constraints, a Tree, and You’re Asleep at the Wheel

Beeeeep! You wake up, muttering a curse. You’re sitting in the driver’s seat. You fell asleep at the traffic light and the driver behind you laid on his horn. A couple of miles ago you finished working 12 hours, right through the night. You’re headed for the early class over at the university. You know…

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