Sleep Show Kicks Off in Houston

Sleep Show Kicks Off in Houston

HOUSTON — The National Sleep Foundation Sleep Show kicked off yesterday at a convention center downtown. It’s scheduled to run through Sunday.  New and established companies from around the United States and the world, are attending along with thousands of people. The convention features seminars on various aspects of sleep, the sleep industry as well…

Anatomy of the Mind: Call It the Semi-United States of the Mind

Anatomy of the Mind: Call It the Semi-United States of the Mind

Part 3 0f 3 The brain is physical. It exists in the physical world.  The mind is nebulous. It’s your consciousness. It’s not entirely of this world.  The brain has a physical makeup. That makeup is called anatomy.  So, too, does the mind have a makeup. The makeup is called a mental state.  The mental state can be compared…

Anatomy of the Mind: Just Like the Moon, The Mind Has Phases Too

Anatomy of the Mind: Just Like the Moon, The Mind Has Phases Too

Part 2 of 3  The mind and brain are separate yet together while on Earth. What this means is that they are two different things and the mind resides within the brain. There are three distinct phases to the mind’s being: instinctive; intellectual and intuitive.  • Instinctive: this phase consists of cravings, desires, and emotions like fear…

Anatomy of the Mind: The Brain and The Mind Aren’t The Same Thing

Anatomy of the Mind: The Brain and The Mind Aren’t The Same Thing

Part 1 of 3 What’s the difference between the brain and the mind?  Maybe, the better question is, is there a difference? People use the terms interchangeably.  Sleep benefits your brain. Dream journaling benefits your mind. The brain isn’t better than the mind or vice versa — not at least while you’re alive on Earth. You…

How To Have A Clarifying Dream

How To Have A Clarifying Dream

For generations, dream analysis teachers have suggested asking for a clarifying dream when you don’t understand the meaning of a dream. How do you do this? Now and then, a dream journaler will encounter a symbol or two in their dream he or she doesn’t quite understand even after they’ve employed the 3-step dream interpretation…

Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Sometimes doing an action can take the place of taking a certain medication. Positive morning affirmations can work like an antidepressant. Grounding can decrease inflammation. Chiropractors routinely prescribe exercise routines to relieve pain. Some doctors have said, “If exercise were a drug, I’d give everyone a prescription.” Sometimes what you’re doing is making a drug…

Dream Journaling: Do You Have To Wear A Bracelet?

Dream Journaling: Do You Have To Wear A Bracelet?

The Dream Recovery System calls for wearing a wrist bracelet opposite of where you’d usually wear a watch when you go to sleep.  It’s a totem to help you distinguish between sleep and wakefulness. Wearing the bracelet leads to a greater number of dreams recalled. More dreams recalled means more success at dream journaling.  It’s…

Americans Slept Better In 1968 Even With A War Going On

Americans Slept Better In 1968 Even With A War Going On

Fifty-one years ago the nightly news was full of gory, gut-wrenching images from Vietnam. Nevertheless, the prospect of fighting that war or fleeing didn’t keep people up at night the way smartphones do today. The smartphone is apparently worse for sleep than a war. The effect of screens on sleep Adults often read and tell…

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