Dream Journaling: Do You Have To Wear A Bracelet?

Dream Journaling: Do You Have To Wear A Bracelet?

The Dream Recovery System calls for wearing a wrist bracelet opposite of where you’d usually wear a watch when you go to sleep.  It’s a totem to help you distinguish between sleep and wakefulness. Wearing the bracelet leads to a greater number of dreams recalled. More dreams recalled means more success at dream journaling.  It’s…

Americans Slept Better In 1968 Even With A War Going On

Americans Slept Better In 1968 Even With A War Going On

Fifty-one years ago the nightly news was full of gory, gut-wrenching images from Vietnam. Nevertheless, the prospect of fighting that war or fleeing didn’t keep people up at night the way smartphones do today. The smartphone is apparently worse for sleep than a war. The effect of screens on sleep Adults often read and tell…

A Body System You Probably Never Heard Of Is Affected By A Chronic Lack of Sleep

A Body System You Probably Never Heard Of Is Affected By A Chronic Lack of Sleep

Meet the glymphatic system. It might be the most obscure system in the human body. By way of introduction, let’s remember that the three pillars of good health are diet, exercise, and sleep.  Everyone knows that if you don’t exercise or move around, you affect your cardiovascular system.  They also know exercise is also good…

People In Your Dream Represent Something–What?

People In Your Dream Represent Something–What?

In your dream, your boyfriend behaved awfully. He yelled at you about nothing. You noted how veins were popping out on his forehead, spittle flying out of his mouth. Then, in the dream, he threw a shoe at you. You ducked…   …Then you woke up.  Now you’re sitting up in bed, breathing heavily, heart racing. …

Little Sleep Leads To Testosterone Problems And That Can Ruin Your Life

Little Sleep Leads To Testosterone Problems And That Can Ruin Your Life

When someone thinks of the health effects of missing sleep, they don’t always think of hormone problems. Perhaps they should. I once knew a man who was stronger, tougher, and smarter than me. Considering the two of us and commonly compared talents and aptitudes, he was the better person in every objective way. We’ll call…

Should You Try To Wake Up To Record Each Of Your Dreams In Your Dream Journal?

Should You Try To Wake Up To Record Each Of Your Dreams In Your Dream Journal?

The “messenger” sat in the chair slumped over, breathing heavily, exhausted. Though his face was obscured, the way he was dressed reminded one of the Roman god Mercury, the deity of messengers.  “Do you know how hard it was to get through to you?” the man said between heaving gasps of air.  I shrugged. I didn’t. I had no idea…

Take Your Life’s Temperature With Your Dream Journal

Take Your Life’s Temperature With Your Dream Journal

Your dreams can be compared to the vital signs they take in a doctor’s office. Dreams are useful for self-diagnosis. It’s a rough morning. You feel sick after a restless night. You’re coughing up slimy yellow-green junk. You feel dizzy and vaguely nauseous.   It’s time to go see your doctor, you decide. You call in…

Law of Attraction Not Working For You? Clues As To Why May Be In Your Dream Journal

Law of Attraction Not Working For You? Clues As To Why May Be In Your Dream Journal

Cherish your visions and dreams, as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. — Napoleon Hill.  This blog would never be one to throw stones at any of the works in the vein of the Power of Positive Thinking, the Law of Attraction, the Secret, or the Prayer of Jabez. This blog would never…

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