St. Joseph’s Dreams In the Bible Show the Importance Of Remembering Yours

St. Joseph’s Dreams In the Bible Show the Importance Of Remembering Yours

Christmas is over but the Nativity story doesn’t end. On December 28 western Christianity celebrates a time when the Jesus’s family was saved by his stepfather. This incident came to be known as the Feast of the Holy Innocents. This incident as well as some other incidents in the life of Jesus’s stepfather, St. Joseph,…

Dream Interpretation Can Solve 16 Types Of Problems

Dream Interpretation Can Solve 16 Types Of Problems

Dream interpretation used in this way comes in somewhere at the intersection of art and science like so many other things. It’s building on the work of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Fritz Perls, and others on what we know about how the brain functions. The art comes in applying the symbols you remember from your dreams to your life and your questions.

Work With Your Subconscious to Have a Guided Dream

Work With Your Subconscious to Have a Guided Dream

Much has been written about lucid dreams. More attention should be paid to guided dreams. Guided dreams don’t require you to be aware that you’re dreaming while you’re in the dream. They’re guided because there’s an interchange between your conscious and subconscious mind. When you get guidance from your guided dream, they’re an interesting addition…

Lose the Light Pollution! 6 Ways To Add Enjoyment To the Night Sky

Lose the Light Pollution! 6 Ways To Add Enjoyment To the Night Sky

As a species, we didn’t start out this way. We weren’t really meant to live amid all this light pollution. It’s progress in some ways, an irreplaceable loss in others. There’s no going back. Our ancestors didn’t have streetlights, neon signs, porch lights, and motion-detecting lights every hour of the day. Light at night has…

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

Serotonin Is a Drug You Make For Yourself

 You don’t always have to ingest or inject some substance to take medicine. Your body, wonderful living “machine” that it is, is like a compounding pharmacist—it makes a lot of its own.  People don’t think of their body making medicine, but it does every hour of every day of every year. Your body produces a…

The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

The Best Way To Analyze Dreams For Your Friends and Family

Informally analyzing other people’s dreams is a whole lot like analyzing their handwriting or telling them about their personality by looking at their palm. It’s not science. None of the assumptions can be tested and they take a lot of leaps in logic. Don’t take it too seriously. Keep it fun. Take inspiration from other…

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