Should Sleeping Be Your Hobby?

Should Sleeping Be Your Hobby?

Can sleeping be considered a real hobby? You just lay there and close your eyes. Hearing that and thinking about it, some might say, What a boring idea for a hobby! People who pursue hobbies usually have events where they get together with other like-minded people. Motorcycle enthusiasts get together with other enthusiasts to ride…

Should You Journal A Dream When Your Sleep Has Been Interrupted?

Should You Journal A Dream When Your Sleep Has Been Interrupted?

The phone rung. The dogs barked. A gunshot went off. Whatever happened, you woke with a start. You’ve suddenly sat straight up in bed. Your sleep has been interrupted. The thoughts running through your mind melt away quickly. You now have forgotten most of your dream or were stopped dreaming in the middle of the…

Blast Apart Biases and Wishful Thinking By “Thinking In Bets”

Blast Apart Biases and Wishful Thinking By “Thinking In Bets”

Is there a high-speed underground transcontinental railroad that extends underground from coast to coast in the United States? I’m not sure. You might not be sure either. Common knowledge suggests no. The bias, therefore, would say “no.” The existence of such a transportation system isn’t realistic. When would something like that have been built? How…

Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

In many ways, Bernarr Macfadden was the “father of fitness. He had strong opinions about how to avoid insomnia. Bernarr Macfadden started a magazine and a popular movement. The movement and magazine had the same name: “physical culture.” Watching what you ate and seeing that you got exercise wasn’t as popular among Americans before he…

When Should You Trust Your Gut Feeling About Someone Or Something?

When Should You Trust Your Gut Feeling About Someone Or Something?

So what do you call it when you know something without using your sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell? This poorly defined other sense has been called the sixth sense, extra-sensory perception (ESP), second sight, psychometry, clairvoyance, precognition, and intuition, among other things. It also often is referred to as a “gut feeling”…

Can Islamic Dream Interpretation Principles Help You Understand Dreams?

Can Islamic Dream Interpretation Principles Help You Understand Dreams?

In Islamic dream interpretation, the importance of “true” dreams was first promulgated in the 7th century by Muhammad, the prophet and founder of the faith. Muhammad believed dreams were important. This was because after he was gone further prophecy would only be revealed in dreams. The process and tradition of Islamic dream interpretation were later…

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