Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

If you think every dream you journal will be profound, surprising, or funny, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Here’s a little acknowledged secret: Some dreams are boring. The themes of some dreams are so dull, so mind-numbingly obvious, they’re like training produced by the human resources department at a large company. They’re reminders more than anything…

Dreams Can Show You a Single Point Of Failure

Dreams Can Show You a Single Point Of Failure

Weaknesses in plans, single points of failure, can become evident in dreams. Have your heart set on going to a particular college? Maybe you want to apply to more than one anyway, just so you don’t miss a year of school if you’re not accepted at your main college. Settling in a romantic relationship for…

Sleep Strengthens the Immune System’s Fight Against Pathogens

Sleep Strengthens the Immune System’s Fight Against Pathogens

Sleeping well, managing stress, and good nutrition help someone stay healthy and avoid disease. There has been plenty written and said about ways to avoid spreading and contracting the coronavirus. Cited are usually general steps, the things you’re told to do to combat any illness. Commonly mentioned are hand washing, covering coughs, being careful when…

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