How To Get Scary Things Out of Your Head So You Can Sleep

How To Get Scary Things Out of Your Head So You Can Sleep

In lots of occupations—and many situations—we get to see man’s inhumanity to man. When it comes to bedtime, this can affect the ability to sleep. Police officers would fall into this category. Nurses and EMS do too. They often get to see the worst of humanity. Dealing with violence, crime, neglect, narcissism, anger, and the…

Self-Care Really Means “Sleep Enough”

Self-Care Really Means “Sleep Enough”

What does “self-care” really mean? Everyone will agree that taking care of yourself is important, but how do you really know you’re doing a good job of it? There are certainly indirect indicators that can be observed. Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight, and other similar metrics can be a good gauge of how much attention…

Social Jet Lag (Forced Synchronization) Can Be A Real Drag

Social Jet Lag (Forced Synchronization) Can Be A Real Drag

Get the jet-lagged, crummy feeling of an intercontinental airplane ride with none of the excitement and none of the bills—suffer from social jet lag! You can go far to the south or north, all the way to a different country, even another continent. Physically, you’ll feel fine. Your physical location won’t disrupt your circadian rhythm.…

How to Harness the Obscured Power Of Faded Dreams

How to Harness the Obscured Power Of Faded Dreams

What were you doing in the dream?  Fighting, I don’t know. I don’t remember it well. Maybe there’s a puzzling line or two a character spoke in the dream. “Hopa, hopa!” What does that even mean? What makes a faded dream? A memory is formed in your brain by linking it to other memories. For…

Quick Dream, Long Time

Quick Dream, Long Time

The time it takes to understand a dream can be much longer than it takes to have it. It’s one key point when it comes to dream interpretation. Unbound by physical constraints, unlike other information transmitted through your five primary senses, dreams are more than pictures: they’re communications affecting all the senses. You’re making a…

Sacred Living Space: How To Create An Environment To Nourish Your Spirit

Sacred Living Space: How To Create An Environment To Nourish Your Spirit

Sometimes the words of a language fail you. They come up short when describing a concept. There are numerous examples of this. To take one, waldeinsamkeit is a German word meaning being alone in the wilderness while relaxed, solitary, and contemplative. In English, we can group words with this meaning. The result doesn’t quite match.…

What Makes A Dream A Vision?

What Makes A Dream A Vision?

When you call someone a “dreamer,” it’s something of an insult. Yet, when you call someone a “visionary,” that’s high praise. Why? What’s the difference? There’s not that much beyond the way the word sounds, the connotation it carries. To many people’s way of thinking, dreaming connotes pie-in-the-sky fancies. Impractical ideas. Something that doesn’t work…

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