Compare Yourself to Yourself

Compare Yourself to Yourself

Understanding yourself better using your dream journal (Part 7/7) When you compare your dream journal to someone else’s, you’re probably coming as close as you can to seeing the inner mind of someone very different from you, no matter who they are. They have a different personality, different experiences, and different roles and reasons for…

I Compare My Dream Journal

I Compare My Dream Journal

Understanding yourself better using your dream journal (Part 6/7) Blue Opossum (a pseudonym) is a K-12 educator from Australia. He has an incredibly detailed recall of his dreams and a heightened awareness of the different stages of sleep. He’s got a real gift. Born in 1960, his dream journal, for practical purposes, starts in 1963…

Record Your Dreams In a Secret Code If You Must

Record Your Dreams In a Secret Code If You Must

Part 3/7 Everyone, no matter how young or old they are, has dreams. They also have other people in their life, people who might not understand their dreams the way they do. They can’t. No matter how close you are to someone, your experiences and their experiences are different. You’re two different people after all.…

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