What Are Dreams? Do They Have a Spiritual Meaning?

What Are Dreams? Do They Have a Spiritual Meaning?

The questions in the headline aren’t easy to answer. There are a lot of different opinions and only a few points of consensus. Here’s one definition: Dreams are a phenomena that happens primarily when sleeping, whether remembered or not. They’re a type of brain activity that results in communication between the subconscious mind and the…

Classified: 5 Types Of Dream Information

Classified: 5 Types Of Dream Information

One can classify phenomena in a variety of different ways. Dreams are no exception. They’re a communication between the subconscious and conscious mind. Communications contain information. You can, therefore, classify them based on the type of information they contain, at least for the person who develops the ability and skill of remembering and interpreting their…

I’ll Never Get to Sleep!

I’ll Never Get to Sleep!

Defeating insomnia in your life starts with a positive mindset. For some, getting a regular amount of sleep is the same as trying to make any other life improvement—a seemingly impossible feat! With a little bit of commitment and dedication, it’s not impossible. Sure, it may take days, weeks, months, and even years of trying,…

Get to Bed On Time

Get to Bed On Time

Some nights the last thing you want to do is go to bed. There are too many things tempting you to stay up. So many more things seem more appealing than shutting off the lights and closing your eyes. Do these self-defeating temptations sound familiar? You could be watching something on YouTube. Texting a friend.…

Free Celebrity Sleep Coaching During Sleep Challenge

Free Celebrity Sleep Coaching During Sleep Challenge

From Monday, September 27 to Friday, October 1 ChiliSleep will host the Back to Sleep Challenge. It’s an online, free, five-day event featuring prominent speakers from the world of performance improvement and sleep medicine along with a dedicated Facebook group and homework to practice implementing what you learned. The lineup includes: Kelly Starrett—physical therapist and…

How To Clean and Store Your Earplugs

How To Clean and Store Your Earplugs

When you’re shopping for earplugs, you can buy either disposable foam ones or some more expensive ones that aren’t intended to be disposable. They both work. They’re both soft. They both contour to your ear canal. They help you stay asleep when there’s noise in the area. They can save your sleep just as well…

Prayer and Meditation For Sleep Aren’t the Same Thing

Prayer and Meditation For Sleep Aren’t the Same Thing

On the surface, prayer and meditation look the same. Someone closes their eyes and sits still. There may or may not be an image, some beads, candles (scented or unscented) perhaps some other object involved as well. They’re not. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, prayer is a request or statement to God or a god…

Here Are Some Secrets To Sleeping Near a Noisy, Busy Street

Here Are Some Secrets To Sleeping Near a Noisy, Busy Street

The big secret to sleeping on a busy, noisy street is getting used to it. The smaller secret is how to deal with occasional spikes in noise. That’s it. Getting used to traffic noise and the occasional spikes like blaring car horns can happen for almost anyone. Eventually. When they go out to the country,…

6 Questions To Ask Before Spending $$$ On An Alternative Healing Therapy

6 Questions To Ask Before Spending $$$ On An Alternative Healing Therapy

Hope is good; it’s important to be optimistic. It’s important to keep an open mind and to be perceptive, too. That’s how you go about improving things and fixing problems. That mindset leads to solutions. When it comes to alternative healing therapies, however, there’s a long history spurious treatments being long on promises and short…

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