What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

Dreams are an offshoot of the conscious mind. Well, usually, it seems that way. After one keeps a dream journal for a couple of months, it’s obvious. Day-to-day life inspires dreams. Some dreams are replays of your daily life. Others are full of symbolism, reflecting the issues you’re contending with. Sometimes your subconscious is urging…

You Really Can’t Foretell the Future In Your Dreams, But You Can Do This

You Really Can’t Foretell the Future In Your Dreams, But You Can Do This

—Oneiromancy—the idea you can foretell the future in dreams—doesn’t work, and you shouldn’t ever trust it. Foretelling the future through dreams isn’t accurate enough. It will lead you down the wrong road and have you making foolish decisions. Doubt this? Look at the record for prophets foretelling the end of the world. Lots of predicting…

Subliminal Conditioning Can Help You Remember Your Dreams

Subliminal Conditioning Can Help You Remember Your Dreams

If you’ve tried and still found that you have difficulty keeping a dream journal, try subliminal conditioning. Subliminal recordings play motivating phrases at a low sound level for the conscious mind to perceive. What this means is that you won’t hear the phrases consciously. Instead, you’ll listen to them subconsciously. The “Remember Dreams” subliminal audiotape…

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