How To Be Your Own Therapist

How To Be Your Own Therapist

Can you be your own therapist?  It’s not can. It’s more like you must be your own therapist, or at least co-therapist. Even if you can find one. There’s an acute shortage of therapists and other mental health professionals, generally speaking. Being your own therapist starts the moment after you work up the awareness and…

How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

That there’s a connection between religion and sleep hygiene is not a new idea. People have been praying at bedtime since the day after forever ago! Yet it’s a connection the medical establishment doesn’t talk about in our mostly secular society. Many healthcare practitioners don’t feel comfortable addressing the issue. In a survey of 3,257…

AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

When it comes to AIs, humans might end up replaced in many different career paths, from artist to driver, to writer. One area where we humans need not worry about replacement is dream interpretation, though several companies are offering AI-guided dream interpretation. AI’s won’t have the insight to adequately understand and interpret your dream as…

What Should You Do If You’ve Woken Up In the Middle Of the Night And Can’t Get Back To Sleep?

What Should You Do If You’ve Woken Up In the Middle Of the Night And Can’t Get Back To Sleep?

So you’ve woken up earlier than you’ve wanted to. What you do now depends on whether it’s in the middle of the night or an hour or two before you usually wake up.  Consider the other people in your house. You don’t want to interrupt their sleep. Be considerate. Put yourself in their place. If…

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