Dream Classics: The Falling Dream

No matter where the facility is located, falling is one of the most common problems patients have when coming into the emergency department.

Falls can be serious. You fall off of a ladder, fall down some stairs, or “fall” in prison (that’s what the inmates say when they’re attacked and don’t want to rat out their attackers). You’re going to be looking at x-rays, CTs, and, possibly, splint and cervical collars.

It’s a universal dream experience, too. Having a dream about falling is on of the most common dreams there is, a dream classic.

What does a falling dream mean?

There is no one meaning to this or any other dream. You must look at the dream symbols surrounding it to fully understand it.

Consider each one in the 3-step dream interpretation framework.

Oftentimes, what the falling dream denotes is a lack of support, a situation being out of control, or a feeling of impending disaster.

You get pushed over an edge or the ground on which you’re standing breaks away; down you tumble.

Sometimes at the bottom, at the end of the fall, you wake up in bed. You awake with a start.

What to do about the falling dream?

When you have one of these, it’s smart to take stock of your surroundings and life, especially in areas that apply to the dream or that are somehow related to it.

I remember one of these dreams I had during college. I was taking a class that I felt unprepared for.

In the dream, I found myself at a party. I had forgotten to put clothes on and I was standing behind a punch bowl.

I can’t get out from behind here. Everyone will see that I’m naked and I’ll look like a fool!

So I turned to leave the party and pushed through the wall behind the table that the punchbowl rested on. Away I fell, waking up with a start in my bed.

When you have one of these dreams, ask yourself what’s out of control. What don’t you feel supported in? Is there anything you can do to shore up support so you’re not falling out of control?

In my case, it was a matter of getting a handle on the basic concepts applicable to the class. Further, I needed to get more organized about completing the homework assignments. What had felt like something that was over my head at the start of the semester because something pleasantly challenging, and one of the reasons why I believe in the power of understanding your dreams.


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James Cobb RN, MSN is the founder of the DRS, a top blog dedicated to the promotion of dream journaling and sleep hygiene.

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