It’s Smart To Keep a Full, Reusable Water Bottle On Your Nightstand

Water and sleep go together.

And lots of people end up with a lot of reusable water bottles.

Many collect them. Many are given promotional ones. Some of them are appealing, on sale, and people end up with them at the last minute when they’re checking out of a store.

Or they get influenced by a TikTok trend.

If you don’t have one, chances are you know someone who has too many. Ask for one of their extras!


Because it’s smart to keep a full, reusable water bottle on your nightstand right beside your dream journal.

It’s really smart to make sure it’s full of water when you go to bed at night. Fill it up right after or before you do your nightly security check.

So what makes having a reusable water bottle handy when you turn in for the night a good idea?

5 reasons water and sleep go together…

  • You should probably drink more water unless you’re already making an effort to do so. Keeping a water bottle on your nightstand makes it easy to do this first thing in the morning.

The morning is a good time to do this. People tend to be dehydrated when they wake up. Drinking the equivalent of a cup of water is a good way to get the day off to a good start.

  • Sometimes, too, you can wake up coughing and choking. Having some water handy is a way to clear your throat and get back to sleep quickly and conveniently.
  • It makes life a little more pleasant. You can wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. Taking a sip of water clears that bad taste right away.
  • You could choose to use a plastic bottle, of course. You don’t want to. Microplastics are a real problem. They’re everywhere even in the plastic water bottles. It’s best if you don’t expose yourself to still more of them.
  • Water usually tastes better coming from one of those reusable metal bottles anyway. Insulated, the water stays colder for longer.

So there you go, five reasons why keeping a full, reusable water bottle on your nightstand is smart.

Get in the habit!


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James Cobb RN, MSN is an emergency nurse and the founder of the Dream Recovery System, one of the top sleep blogs in cyberspace. Publishing every Thursday, our readers make the most of the hidden one-third of life.

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