How you can fall asleep faster—and without any medication—by using the Two-Pillow Ear Bud Sleeping Trick.
Most people are side sleepers, upwards of 80 percent.
Chances you are too.
As side sleepers, they’re more comfortable sleeping mostly on their sides.
This makes listening to sleep music, binaural beats, or sleeping sounds with your typical earbud difficult.
That’s because it’s uncomfortable. The earbud sits like a lump in your ear canal. It can be kind of like having a small stone in your ear.
There are special headphones built for side sleepers, but the sound quality on them isn’t as good as an average-quality earbud. They’re flat and tend to move away from your ear.
Side sleepers, you see, don’t just sleep on their sides. They move around and the headphone tends to get jarred.
Enter the earbud sleeping trick
There’s a trick to sleeping with earbuds. You use two pillows and make a pocket for the earbuds sticking out of your ears.
How do you place the pillows?
Put one pillow across the other. Like this:

Then you put the back of your head along the top of the pillow.
This allows your ear to not be pressed in by the pillow.
That’s it! You’re welcome!
Experiment with exact placement, however. People have their individual preferences and pillows have their particular firmness.
If your particular pillows don’t work for you, it’s worth finding some that do. There are plenty of ad-free resources for sleeping music and other content sources to aid you in sleeping at night.
James Cobb RN, MSN is an emergency nurse and the founder of the Dream Recovery System, one of the top sleep blogs on the Internet. He’s made extensive use of the Two-Pillow Earbud Sleeping Trick on the nights he’s switching back to a daytime schedule from working nights.
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