By the time you reach middle age, you surely have been around when a friend or coworker got sick and threw up everywhere.
Or maybe it happened one time in school (and it’s a story that even might come up at the class reunion).
Whenever it happens, the scene can be hard to get out of your mind.
Though you wouldn’t tell them to their face, when you think of them, you can’t help but think of how they barfed everywhere. You remember the color, the smell, the bits of partially digested food. Gross.
You probably felt sorry for that person. He or she looked miserable. Who can’t be sympathetic?
Now it’s your turn. Don’t be that person. If you throw up suddenly and dramatically, everyone will always remember it. Grab something to throw up in, lay down, and go to bed.
Clear your calendar. Call whoever you need to call. Slow down! Yeah, you might have all kinds of pressure to get this or that accomplished but your first priority is to get back to feeling like your regular self.
Slow down and rest: that’s “secret” number zero. There’s nothing to be gained by running around and trying to pretend nothing is wrong.
What to think about when you’re resting
See if you can figure out what’s the cause of your nausea.
Is it the flu? Is it something you ate? Is it the side effect of some treatment, or maybe a medication?
If you’re a woman, is there any chance you might be pregnant?
Are you nervous?
A lot of different things can make you nauseous and tired. It helps if you can pin the causes down. If you can interrupt the cause, maybe you can get to feeling better.
Simple things to try to get rid of the nausea
If you’re feeling nauseous and tired, getting some rest may be the last thing on your mind. Yet taking a break can be one of the best things you can do for your health. Here are seven secrets to getting effective rest when you’re feeling nauseous and tired:
1. Find or create a comfortable environment. Rest. Relax.
2. Drink plenty of fluids sip by sip. By a sip, I mean a tablespoon of fluid and no more. Wait three to five minutes between each sip.
3. Eat small meals frequently throughout the day, even if you’re very hungry.
4. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or visualization.
5. Get up and move around every few hours. Keep a receptacle like a bag or trashcan handy in case you need to throw up.
6. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages. Stick to water, and oral rehydration fluids like Gatorade or Powerade and sip.
7. Consider talking to your doctor about prescription medications that can help with nausea and fatigue. Fix the nausea. OTC Maalox, bland food. Take a pass on eating until the feeling passes.
Bonus Secret!
Anti-nausea acupressure point

Known as PC-6, the point that’s three fingers above the wrist crease on the inner side of either arm can help with morning sickness, indigestion, or nausea. Apply firm, gentle pressure to the area for thirty seconds.
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James Cobb RN, MSN, is an emergency department nurse and the founder of the Dream Recovery System. His goal is to provide his readers with simple, actionable ways to improve their health and maximize their quality of life.
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