Sometimes you’ve got to wonder what your dreams are telling you, especially concerning your health.
Health warnings in dreams can be confusing—though taking them seriously can save your life.
It’s easy to go on the Internet and type in a query, and people do every day. When it comes to getting definitive answers about what your dreams are telling you, good luck with that! When you’re trying to understand what it means, it’s not that easy.
Only you know what the symbols your subconscious is communicating with mean. Only you can know what the symbols mean.
If you figure it out, your interpretation can be spot-on and meaningful.
Somebody else’s interpretation is a mixed bag—it may or may not be right. This is especially true for common dream symbols like snakes or something else. There are a lot of potentially different meanings for such a symbol.
Everything you might read and everything somebody might tell you is a guess.
It’s something nobody else can do for you.
Your subconscious communicates with its symbol language that’s informed by your life experience.
Many experts will happily take your money and tell you something.
When trying to understand what your dreams are telling you, an excellent place to start is to consider the physical features of the dream. Think over the events of your past couple of days.
Mentally review every single component of the dream. More details are better than less. Ask yourself, “What does ___ mean to me?”
In the blank, fill in whatever it is about the dream that makes you wonder.
Dreams can make you wonder.
Once, a man had a dream about a bee stuck under the skin of his chest.
His subconscious was telling him it didn’t like the pain he had from a pulled muscle. It wanted him to smash the bee, stop it from “buzzing” and irritating him.
Stop being such a slug! Get some damn balm and rub your muscles out! Help yourself!
Dreams can communicate a lot of different messages. Some of the most important ones are health messages. Some of the bulletins can save your life. Unquestionably, your health can influence your dreams.
Health messages in dreams
When they’re very sick and trying to be positive, some people talk about what they’ve learned by being sick. They list what they’ve learned, how they’ve learned to value this or that, and how they’ve come to understand one thing or another.
Okay, fine, but getting sick still sucks. It’s true, no matter who you are or where you live.
Costs aren’t limited to money. There are also opportunity costs and a long list of hassles ranging from antiseptic to x-rays.
We won’t even mention feeling miserable. Everyone could go on and on about that.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was an early-warning system that could give you health messages about coming illnesses? Maybe you could do something about being sick before illness sets in.
What would this personal early warning system be like?
It wouldn’t necessarily have to be a little bell that said, “ding ding ding: illness approaching.”

That could be embarrassing and a violation of basic privacy. Sometimes we don’t care who knows we’re sick, and other times, we’d rather keep the information to ourselves.
All you’d need is a specialized health message, a bulletin. If you had that, and the service worked all the time, nothing would surprise you. You’d be able to do something about the illness – whatever it was – before it was too late. You might be able to delay or even avoid getting sick.
Wouldn’t that be great? Wouldn’t something like that be valuable?
How much would you pay for such a service?
I’ve got good news.
There is. There’s a free health message service that comes at no cost to you. All you have to do is choose to “subscribe.”
Convenient, personal, and unique to you, these health messages are known as dreams. You “subscribe” by learning how to remember and understand your dreams.
Dreams won’t tell you about every single approaching malady. There’s no study (yet) to tell you the level of their reliability. Nevertheless, dreams still provide lots of helpful information. Your subconscious is a great one for telling you what’s up, what’s changed, what you should be paying attention to.
The information isn’t only limited to health. People dream about a lot of different topics. Health is another one of a long list that includes relationships, careers, and emotions.
Throughout time, many people have said dreams can act as a crystal ball to the future. That’s misleading. There isn’t necessarily anything psychic, magic, or crystal-ball-like about dreams.
Your subconscious is with you all the time. It’s never asleep, not even when you are. The subconscious is aware of trends. Your conscious mind navigates day-to-day life. The subconscious picks up on these trends because, to it, it’s as apparent as one foot follows another. It sees a pattern. It wants to tip your conscious mind off about the pattern.
It’s as valid for health concerns as it is for anything else.
You used to walk without pain. Now you don’t, and there isn’t an obvious explanation. Your subconscious is likely to send you a dream expressing a concern. Your conscious mind may think it’s too busy to go to the doctor to get the source of this pain checked out. Your subconscious, on the other hand, says, “no, this is a problem.” It dings you on your lack of curiosity.
The other source of these health messages is when your body’s performance declines in some way. For example, your subconscious notices when aches and pains spring up when you stand. It can also see problems like suspicious lumps. It pays attention when something in your body changes from how it usually behaves.
Your conscious mind can – and often does – shrug these changes and symptoms off. There are, after all, 1,001 other things occupying the conscious mind’s attention.
Yet your subconscious notices. It can tell you too. All you have to do is listen.
More than one person has had a dream that let them know they had cancer or were facing an imminent heart attack. While the dream didn’t say it in so many words, it communicated concern in the picture language the subconscious uses.
Dreams can be like the warning lights in your car. When the lights come on, on your dashboard, check them out. Do the same thing when it comes to your dreams. Interpret them yourself. Your interpretation is valid because you’re the only one who has lived all of your experiences. Consequently, you’re the only one who can tease the real meaning out of the dream.
The Internet is a mixed bag for information on understanding your dreams. It can be contradictory and nonsensical.
Some people swear they can predict the future with their dreams. This belief is so common that words and images that are present have their name in the English language: déjà vu. It comes from the French language.
According to a survey by psychiatrist Alan S. Brown, 20 percent of the people who had experienced déjà vu said the initial experience was from a dream. Another additional 20 percent said that initial experience was from both sleep and dreams.
The dreams’ symbols represent concerns the subconscious has about one aspect or another of the individual’s health.
Some dream interpreters say symbols like snakes and houses in dreams usually represent concerns the individual has about health. However, what the object represents in dreams (and why) is often meaningful only to the particular person.
Journal your dreams. Like anything, practice makes perfect. Its usefulness improves over time.
The main point to remember is when you encounter a symbol in your dream, ask yourself what the symbol or object means to you. That will reliably uncover the health concern more than anything else you can do.
A nutritional health warning in a dream
For example, in one dream, the sleeper dreamed of a hamburger, fries, and a soda. It was a fast-food meal that he, in the dream, called the “McEasy Peasy.”
Thinking back over the day before, the man realized he had been eating a lot of fast food over the past few days. His subconscious was telling him there was no such thing as “easy nutrition.” He’d have to choose to eat food that was better for him for the sake of his health.
Intellectually, he knew the right thing to do to help keep himself healthy — eat a balanced diet.
Yet there’s a difference between knowing and doing.
When you can understand what your dreams tell you, you can act on them.
The subconscious mind speaks in the language of the heart. All you have to do is learn to understand what it’s telling you.
It doesn’t want harm to befall you any more than your conscious mind.
Your subconscious is you, after all.
The coronavirus and dreams
In 2020 and 2021, it became very common for fears and experiences with the coronavirus to shape dreams. Some of them seemed really weird. It shouldn’t be surprising. Illness in ourselves and others will bring out all kinds of feelings. If you’re bothered by them, actively try to choose optimism.
How do you speak to a doctor about the health dream?
After you’ve decided that the dream may indicate a health warning, ask yourself how you feel about what you think the dream is saying. This is important. Did the dream scare you? Or is it that you merely found it interesting and are wondering about it?
When describing the source of your concern, it’s best to tell the doctor a short version. Going into extra detail about the dream itself isn’t necessary. What is important is the dream triggered concern in your mind. Focus on physical symptoms. You’re acting to find out the truth of the matter, and that’s understandable.
The next thing is to mention any possible physical symptoms you have. Here’s where you show the mysterious rash, the bump, or describe the sharp pain. This is the information your doctor is going to key in on. If you’re putting the physical symptoms together with the information you’ve garnered from your dream, mention that.
Just like the warning light on your car, the health message in your dream can be valid or invalid. You never know until you get it checked out. It’s not a cause for worry. It’s a cause for prudence and a healthy level of concern.
Worrying doesn’t change anything. Getting checked out and, perhaps, tests allows for real changes if needed.
That’s what you need to remember.
When you’re trying to understand what your dreams are telling you, these health messages can be essential to act on.
Of course, dreams can comment, process, and warn about many things. The thing about health messages in dreams is that they can improve or save your life.
What about other warnings in dreams? How to react to a warning dream
How to interpret dreams for other people? Have some fun with it!
What does it mean when your dreams have a similar theme?
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